Large parts of the world have been suffering from massive shortages of drinking water for years. Constant climate change is exacerbating the situation for many millions of people every day and global drinking water crises could occur soon. At Infinite Ocean, we want to open an almost inexhaustible source of water for people and thus make a modest contribution to the solution: our oceans. Or rather, the sea water. With innovative technology and a social business model, we bring safe, affordable drinking water directly to the people who urgently need it today; create fair jobs and thus achieve a real, sustainable impact.

CFO & Co-Founder
” At Infinite Ocean, we want to open an almost inexhaustible source of water for people and thus make a modest contribution to the solution:
our oceans.“
The aim of Infinite Ocean is to use a social enterprise approach to build reliable and decentralized drinking water supplies for villages in coastal regions of the world affected by drought and water shortages. Using established solar-powered reverse osmosis, up to 11,000 liters of seawater per day can be converted into high-quality drinking water. This can be sold to the people in the region at fair prices far below usual local market prices. In this way, we can supply a village with about 3,000 inhabitants with one system. The plant operation and the sale of the water are taken over by locals, creating secure jobs with above-average pay. The profits generated will be used primarily to refinance the plants and to expand to other locations.
Unique Selling Points (USP)
- “Made in Germany” business model. Founders bring knowledge from the German, world-renowned Technical University of Munich (TUM).Â
- Diversity in the drinking water market. With our projects, we are actively opposing a future in which a few large corporations decide where and at what price drinking water is available. Companies such as Coca-Cola or Nestlé already have a major influence on this essential market.Â
- Local solidarity & global solidarity. Our projects are designed in such a way that the local people benefit from their Impact. Through local production and distribution, locals can not only understand the entire value chain, but also be a part of it themselves. On the one hand, the proceeds of water sales remain in the respective region in the form of wages and maintenance of the plant, on the other hand, they are used for the development of further projects, e.g., at international locations.Â
- Independent & independent. We are neither an offshoot of a large corporation, nor do we intend to sell our business to one in the future.
- Circular Economy. According to the principal cradle-to-cradle, we create a sustainable and future-oriented economic cycle, which is linked to that of water.
- Social & sustainable. The core of our motivation and of Infinite Ocean is to create sustainable and social impact. Our mission statement here is the Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, Profit.
- Fair & transparent. Dubious “backroom deals” and hypocritical business practices are not for us. We always communicate openly and honestly with our partners, investors, employees, and you – even if things get tricky. Everyone who works with or for Infinite Ocean should feel treated fairly. A respectful relationship with the local people of our projects is particularly important to us.
- Safe & qualitative. That is our core promise at Infinite Ocean. Nobody within the reach of our projects should ever have to worry about the availability or quality of his/her drinking water. But safety and quality extend beyond our product and are firmly anchored within our entire value chain.